Wintering USDA Russian bees in Maine

Fall Harvest of Surplus Honey. USDA Russian bees


Honey as nature intended – no meds or sugar for the bees


Russian Bees vs. Italian Bees


Water, Minerals & taste of Honey


Russian Bees are Coming!


Bees in Winter: Are they Dead or Alive?!

Apitherapy & Bee Venom Therapy (BVT)

Advantages of Naturally Foraged Honey

Our 2023 Fall Harvest – Maine Wilderness Honey
Bees, Christmas and Gifts of Nature. Moving Hives.

Honey Factories vs Benevolent Beekeeping

Mislabeled Honey & Sneaky Soybeans

No Manicured Lawns for Honeybees!

Pollen Allergies? Local Honey to the Rescue!

Can Honey Comply with Vegan Ethical Principles?

Pandemic in managed bee colonies

Swarm Traps, Queens & VSH genetics
Vertical & Horizontal Hives & Math for Overwintering
Schedule of Apiary Tasks
What Natural Beekeeping IS and ISN’T
Easy Beekeeping in Horizontal Hives. 1st Spring Inspection.
Is Natural Beekeeping an oxymoron?
The Hive & The Lord of the Rings
Using Bees for Crop Pollination
Pandemic-inspired Beekeeping
Wilderness beekeeping

Horizontal Hives - better for the bees!