Spring, Bees and Lucy the Beekeeper
Spring, Bees and Lucy the Beekeeper Easy Beekeeping in Horizontal Hives. 1st Spring Inspection. Today we’ll talk about our Spring inspection and feeding the bees in case their honey stores are low but first, just a brief note What Natural Beekeeping IS and What it IS NOT. Natural Beekeeping IS just Beekeeping WITHOUT ANY UNNATURAL chemical […]
Natural Beekeeping vs. Organic Beekeeping vs. Treatment-free Beekeeping
Natural Beekeeping vs Organic Beekeeping vs Treatment-Free Beekeeping Natural Beekeeping IS NOT a carbon copy of how bees live in the wild. While nature can be randomly unforgiving (e.g. 75% of all feral swarms will not survive) , natural beekeepers can mitigate many risks and assure much better survival odds. Natural Beekeeping IS, in short, just […]
Using Honeybees to Pollinate Conventional Agricultural Crops
Using Honeybees to Pollinate Conventional Agricultural Crops photo from: entomologytoday.com In the US the honeybees in conventional vertical beehives get transported by the truckloads all over the country for pollination of conventional agricultural crops. Unfortunately, conventional agricultural crops are usually replete with agrochemicals such as pesticides and herbicides affecting both the bees and their honey. […]
Pandemic-inspired Beekeeping
Pandemic-inspired Beekeeping Beekeeping styles differ greatly. Paul Sheppard, an admin of Facebook’s Natural and Regenerative Beekeeping group with well over 2K members observed that different beekeeping styles exist between 2 extremes: Wild bees/feral colonies are on one end of the pendulum swing and conventional commercial-style beekeeping is on the opposite end. Video shows a slightly […]
Apiaries next to farm fields?
Honeybees’ Lifespan and Health are Declining. Two primary reasons: Agro-chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) from nearby farmfields Chemical treatments from conventional beekeepers (ApiVar, ApiStan, Oxalic/Formic Acids, Thymol, etc.) Conventional Beekeepers Treat Honeybees with Chemicals, Acids or Oils, Adversely Affecting the Bees’ and the Honey. Keep apiaries far removed from agrochemicals! Apiaries need to be miles away […]
Honeybee Sanctuary or Why Honeybees’ Lifespans are now 50% shorter than in 1970s
Forest Beehive Apiary – a Honeybee Sanctuary Natural and Regenerative Beekeeping Forest Beehive apiary is located on the left side of this secluded forest lake. On the right side of the lake there’s a state owned land – a 3,000 acre wildlife sanctuary. ForestBeehive apiary on the left side of the lake is a veritable […]
About Us
ForestBeehive Team Bee-Friendly Beekeeping – Putting the Bees First About Us There are fewer and fewer unpolluted lands in the US that are far removed from agricultural and industrial pollution where the bees can freely forage in pristine forests and meadows uncontaminated with pesticides or herbicides. ForestBeehive natural beekeeping apiary was inspired by this beautiful […]
Starting ForestBeehive Apiary
Starting ForestBeehive Apiary. Transfer from a conventional nuc to a horizontal Layens hive. May, 2022. Setting up ForestBeehive natural beekeeping apiary in Central Maine on May 1st 2022. The original idea was to use only local wild survivor bees but with colder Spring season none of the swarm traps caught any swarms yet. Instead of using […]
Honeybees and airplanes?!
Honeybees and airplanes? Like the airplanes in the world’s busiest airports, the forager bees are flying in and out delivering to their hive airports mostly nectar and pollen and sometimes water and propolis.The foragers fly out with the speed of 15-20 mph and return with their heavy loads (carrying up to half of their own […]
Clean Natural Habitat – the most important factor for natural beekeeping
What’s Most Important for Natural Beekeeping In his seminal book “Keeping Bees with a Smile”, its author Lazutin lists 3 main ingredients for successful beekeeping, listed in order of their importance:(1) Nectar & pollen resources(2) Using locally adapted bees(3) The design of the hive and beekeeping system Despite the fact that there’s much debate among bee […]