Spring, Bees and Lucy the Beekeeper
Spring, Bees and Lucy the Beekeeper Easy Beekeeping in Horizontal Hives. 1st Spring Inspection. Today we’ll talk about our Spring inspection and feeding the bees in case their honey stores are low but first, just a brief note What Natural Beekeeping IS and What it IS NOT. Natural Beekeeping IS just Beekeeping WITHOUT ANY UNNATURAL chemical […]
Using Honeybees to Pollinate Conventional Agricultural Crops
Using Honeybees to Pollinate Conventional Agricultural Crops photo from: entomologytoday.com In the US the honeybees in conventional vertical beehives get transported by the truckloads all over the country for pollination of conventional agricultural crops. Unfortunately, conventional agricultural crops are usually replete with agrochemicals such as pesticides and herbicides affecting both the bees and their honey. […]
Clean Natural Habitat – the most important factor for natural beekeeping
What’s Most Important for Natural Beekeeping In his seminal book “Keeping Bees with a Smile”, its author Lazutin lists 3 main ingredients for successful beekeeping, listed in order of their importance:(1) Nectar & pollen resources(2) Using locally adapted bees(3) The design of the hive and beekeeping system Despite the fact that there’s much debate among bee […]