To reserve for 2025, contact boristhebeeguy@gmail.com
This was NOT produced by conventional honey factory-style apiaries, so supplies are limited.
This raw, pressed honey came from our ForestBeehive apiary where our bees forage naturally in a remote woodland location far away from pesticide-sprayed crops. We never use any human-engineered chemicals in our beehives, and never use conventional plastic foundation — our bees make the whole honeycomb naturally.
This honey was never heated, processed or micro-filtered. It contains high quantities of bee bread (fermented pollen), and its nutritive value is many times higher compared to store-bought honey.
In conventional beekeeping an average harvest is above 100lb per colony. There are 2 main reasons for high conventional honey production :
1. Their beehives are often located right next to agricultural crops that are heavily pesticide-sprayed. High honey yields come with high doses of pesticide residue in honey
2. Conventional beekeepers feed sugar to their bees and substitute most of their bees’ honey with sugar. Such sugar-foraged honey results in high yield and low quality