If Beekeeping=Agriculture, shoud you treat Bees like Cattle??

If Beekeeping=Agriculture, should Bees be treated like Cattle?? Rev. Langstroth, who in 1850s invented conventional vertical multi-box beehive, was a congregational minister who advocated for a “dominion of man over bees”.  Langstroth shared the prevailing philosophy of the 1800s, that Man’s mission was to control, dominate and subjugate nature rather than live in harmony with […]

100% Naturally Foraged Honey vs Conventional Honey. Taste & Health Benefits

100% Natually Foraged Honey vs Conventional Honey. Taste & Benefits This Maine wilderness honey came mostly from woodland asters and silver rods that bloom in abundance in the fall in our remote woodlands of Maine.   At our ForestBeehive apiary, we are far removed from agricultural and agricultural & industrial pollution, and our bees are […]